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The "Do's" and "Don'TS" of Social Media

Social media can be a fun way to stay connected with your friends and family, but it can also cause drama when it comes to relationships. Here are some quick tips for social media etiquette:


  • Don't share content on social media unless you are 100% okay with your content resurfacing.

We live in the world of permanency, which means every move that you make digitally, can somehow be traced. So those nude photos or risque photos you sent on snapchat? Those can be screenshotted and are also stored on a server somewhere! Be sure before you hit "post" that whatever photo, message, or joke you are sharing with your friends is appropriate.


  • Don't stalk your partner's social media

Stalking your significant other's social media is not a good idea. These actions can lead to misunderstandings or jealousy. If you have a question or concern, just ask! You should be able to fully trust your partner and be open and honest with them.


  • Not everything is Instagram worthy

A relationship is between two people, not the world. While it is okay to want to share all of the good things about your relationship, it is also a good idea to keep some things to yourself. You don't want everyone in your business, and if things take a turn for the worse you have 700 followers wanting to know every detail.

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